Baptiste Couvy-Duchesne, Futao Zhang, Kathryn E. Kemper, Julia Sidorenko, Naomi R. Wray, Peter M. Visscher, Olivier Colliot, Jian Yang
The code is presented in a serie of Rmarkdown files with corresponding html knitted files that compose this website. It presents the code allowing the perform all analyses and generate plots presented in the manuscript.
Sections of the code in bash may be run directly on a
high performance cluster thanks to the qsubshcom piece
of software. (
In short, qsubshcom is a job submission wrapper that
adapts automatically to the cluster system, which makes our code highly
portable: you only need to set up a few paths (see below) and run on you
Steps that do not require much time/memory were sometimes run in an interactive session (they come without the qsubshcom syntax)
FreeSurfer 6.0
Image processing required FreeSurfer 6.0 ( - NB: the UKB now
processed the images for you.
Subcortical processing relied on scripts developped by Boris Gutman for
the ENIGMA consortium (
Most of the mixed model analyses were performed using the
OSCA software (
Plots and some data management were performed using R version 4.0. See
manuscript (or code) for the full list of packages used.
We created a bunch of files to facilitate the analysis. They may be used to prune out vertices outside of the cortex or to relate each vertex to a cortical/subcortical region. They are available in the atlas folder of this repository.
Input folders
/00_BodFiles *Binary vertex-files - see OSCA for format description*
*- see for the*
*code used to process MRI images and create tables*
/UKB_phenotypes_15K *Folder containing individual phenotype files*
*( format : eid eid phenotype)*
Output folders
/01_vertexSelection *List of vertices (randomly) selected to be associated*
/02_phenotypesSimul *Simulated phenotypes*
/03_BWAS_uncorrected_allModa *Output folder for model "GLM without covariates"*
*- on simulated phenotypes*
/03_BWAS_uncorrected_realPheno *Output folder of the GLM on real UKB phenotypes*
/03_BWAS_uncorrected_allModa_clusterFWER *List and description of significant clusters*
*(simulated and real phenotypes)*
/[...] *Similar naming for the other models*
/15_BWAS_prediction *Results of prediction accuracy (simulated and real phenotypes)*
A work by by [Baptiste Couvy-Duchesne] - 13 June 2022